Writ No. 27101 in AP High Court would be heard on Dasara vacation and All four Writs in Mumbai High Court would be heard on 29th October


Saturday, 13 July 2013

Bank Accounts Opening and WebSite Permissions writs has filed in the A.P. High Court by Nmart C.E.O.

Writ No. CRLP 6981 / 2013: 

Permit the petitioner to operate the website known as www.nmart.co.in further directing the 1st respondent to handover the hard disks containing the date of all the associates for smooth operation of the website by the petitioner pending disposal of the above Crl.P., in the interest of justice.


Writ No. CRLP 6981 / 2013: 
To call for the records and quash relating to the orders dated 18.01.2013 in Crl.MP.No. 283 of 2012 in Crime No. 154 of 2012 on the file of the Kandukuru Town Police Station, Prakasham District of the Hon'ble Principal and Sessions Judge, Prakasham District and quash the same permitting the petitioner to operate the Bank Accounts.



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Nmart Seond Innings: Currently Running Malls are 1.Surat (Gujarat), 2. Nirmal(A.P), 3. Bhopal (M.P), 4. Chikodi (Karnataka), 5. Calicut (Kerala), 6. Miraj (Maharashtra), 7. Howrah (W.B), 8. Lalitpur (U.P) 9.Soro (Odhisha) 10. Raipur (chattisgarh) and 11.Ponda (Goa) Pls follow our cmd blog www.gsnmart.blogspot.com Nmart Second Innings starts soon...