Writ No. 27101 in AP High Court would be heard on Dasara vacation and All four Writs in Mumbai High Court would be heard on 29th October


Our CMD will not sleep... until he get rid of this problem.... Jai Nmart

Keep Visiting this blog, Very soon, it will be updated with new details

Nmart Customer Care : 0261-6774444

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Nmart IBN7 Episode on 12th Oct 2013

Nmart IBN7 Episode on 12th Oct 2013 by CMD Gopal Shekawath is available in following links http://youtu.be/YfJmQY2b4aM and www.nmartvideos.blogspot.com  ...

New Blog by Nmart CMD Gopal Shekawath

Our Nmart CMD Gopal Shekawath has announced new blog for speedy updates. Now onwards please follow below mentioned company's official blog. www.gsnmart.blogspot.com...

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Nmart IBN7 Episode On 5th Oct 2013

Nmart IBN7 Latest Episode on 05-10-2013: http://youtu.be/u-T7UZ48NR4 ...

Friday, 4 October 2013

Our Nmart CMD Gopal Shekawath Got bail in all cases of A.P. and Maharashtra and got released

Great News to all Nmartians..! Our Beloved CMD Gopal Shekavath released today (04-10-2013) and got bails from all cases in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra.!  Huge celebrations ahead for all Nmartians..!! Congratulations to all Nmartians, Very soon We will be updated with new details directly from our CMD. As per Dubey Blog,...

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Nmart Seond Innings: Currently Running Malls are 1.Surat (Gujarat), 2. Nirmal(A.P), 3. Bhopal (M.P), 4. Chikodi (Karnataka), 5. Calicut (Kerala), 6. Miraj (Maharashtra), 7. Howrah (W.B), 8. Lalitpur (U.P) 9.Soro (Odhisha) 10. Raipur (chattisgarh) and 11.Ponda (Goa) Pls follow our cmd blog www.gsnmart.blogspot.com Nmart Second Innings starts soon...