Writ No. 27101 in AP High Court would be heard on Dasara vacation and All four Writs in Mumbai High Court would be heard on 29th October


Our CMD will not sleep... until he get rid of this problem.... Jai Nmart

Keep Visiting this blog, Very soon, it will be updated with new details

Nmart Customer Care : 0261-6774444

Friday, 28 June 2013

High Court Notices to AP Home Department and Director General of Police: Sakshi & Eenadu News Papers 28-06-2013

Nmart has filed a Stay Order Writ petition No. 18379/2013 on  26th June 2013 in Andhra Pradesh High Court. Nature of writ: Declaring the action of Andhra Pradesh Polices are registering multiple FIRs against the Nmart Company on same issue and taking time, In this regard Nmart Company requested the A.P. High Court to transfer (hand over)...

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Odisha Mall is Going to ReOpens on 5th July: Dharitri, Sambad News Papers

Nmart Retails (Second Innings) is going to begin in ODISHA, and Andhra Pradesh. Here you can see the opening dates of Odisha Nmart Mall, in News Papers of Dharitri and Sambad News Papers on 19th of this Month. In Andhra Pradesh, Nirmal mall is going to open very soon (in Two to Three Days) Dharitri News Paper:  Sambad News Pape...

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Development in legal issues and opening of Nmart Malls

Dear Nmart associates: Information’s to share with all of you regarding development in legal issues and opening of malls. First good news is from Calicut Kerela where one more mall is now operational. Next possibility of opening of mall is from Punjab and Orissa. Very soon we will be receiving the operational news. Second information regarding...

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Nmart Seond Innings: Currently Running Malls are 1.Surat (Gujarat), 2. Nirmal(A.P), 3. Bhopal (M.P), 4. Chikodi (Karnataka), 5. Calicut (Kerala), 6. Miraj (Maharashtra), 7. Howrah (W.B), 8. Lalitpur (U.P) 9.Soro (Odhisha) 10. Raipur (chattisgarh) and 11.Ponda (Goa) Pls follow our cmd blog www.gsnmart.blogspot.com Nmart Second Innings starts soon...