Writ No. 27101 in AP High Court would be heard on Dasara vacation and All four Writs in Mumbai High Court would be heard on 29th October


Our CMD will not sleep... until he get rid of this problem.... Jai Nmart

Keep Visiting this blog, Very soon, it will be updated with new details

Nmart Customer Care : 0261-6774444

Monday, 12 November 2012

Mr Ashok Sarogi (Sr Advocate of Mumbai) in the News Channels...

Sr Advocate Mr. Ashok Sarogi from Mumbai is looking after the legals of Nmart in High Court. He clearly stated very very important points in his interview to that channel (Channel One and Lemon News) who blamed CMD and Nmart Company a fraud now i believe the channel has got their answers from the right person and they should apologies.. and Mr. Ashok Sarogi told Clearly in the interview that: 1. Nmart will revive its business for sure, very soon and in a better way. 2. Associates money is 100% safe with Nmart. Need not to worry 3. Gopal sir...

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Writ No. WP/3751/2012 Has been posted for 06/12/2012

The following is the order copy has been passed by the Mumbai High Court on 29/10/2012 in Newlook Multitrade Pvt Ltd saying that Petitioner is permitted to serve private notice to the 9th respondent by any recognised mode of service and added Respondent raised objection that this court has no territorial jurisdiction to entertain this petition, finally...

Monday, 29 October 2012

Nmart - Four Writs has been Disposed by Mumbai High Court

Nmart - Four Writs has been Disposed by Mumbai High Court 1. Writ No. WP/3279/2012 For ORDER/JUDGEMENT info : Click Here  2. Writ No. WP/3280/2012 For ORDER/JUDGEMENT info : Click Here  3. Writ No. WP/3281/2012 For ORDER/JUDGEMENT info : Click Here 4. Writ No. WP/3282/2012 For ORDER/JUDGEMENT...

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Will Nmart Continue.....?

Will you belive that Nmart is going to Re Open..? Spare your valuable time for 30seconds..... Click on the following link...  Tick your opinion in appropriate Selection boxes.... http://www.opinionpower.com/Surveys/681061608.htm...

Nmart ISO 9001 : 2008 Certificate

Nmart ISO 9001 : 2008 Certificate: ...

Nmart Master Details

Nmart Master Details:   ...

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Nmart CMD with Zambia Country President (FILE PHOTO)

Our CMD Mr. Gopal Shekawat with Zambia Country President Michael Sata at Nmart Head Office, Surat (FILE PHOTO) ...

Polices got Notices from AP High Court in 2010 by Nmart

Earlier in 2010, 7th Town Police Station, Vijayawada, Krishna Dist, A.P. were filed a case against Nmart and the police people giving harassment to Local Nmart Leaders. Connection with Nmart has filed a Writ Petition No. 24210/2010 against  1.Station House officer, 7th Town Police Station, Vijayawada 2.The Circle Inspector...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

AP High Court Writ No. 27101/2012 has been Disposed!!!

Writ No. 27101/2012 has been disposed by the Honorable Justice KC Bhanu. Our Councel seeks  permission  to withdraw the writ petition, with a liberty to file a fresh petition.Permission is accorded and the Writ Petition is accordingly dismissed..... ...

Indian Govt is Very Close to Finalize the New Rules in MLM

Indian Govt close to finalizing new rules for multi level marketing New Delhi: The government today said it is close to finalizing new rules for multi-level marketing firms and is working on an early warning system to prevent corporate frauds. The Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) -- under the Corporate Affairs Ministry -- is working on an early warning system that would help in preventin g corporate frauds.Corporate Affairs Minister Veerappa Moily said the SFIO has already set up a computer lab for this."This is part of the ministry's...

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Latest Mumbai High Court Nmart Writ Petitions Status

Our CMD has filed four writ petitions in Mumbai High Court.  WRIT NO. 1 : WP/3279/2012 WRIT NO. 2 : WP/3280/2012 WRIT NO. 3 : WP/3281/2012 WRIT NO. 4 : WP/3282/2012 In above four writs, three writs having 8th October as Listing Date/Hearing Date. One is posted to 29th October 2012.  Hope All Nmartians will get good news on 8th October,...

Information on Petition No. 27101 on 7th Oct 2012

nformation on Petition No. 27101 on 7th Oct 2012 01-10-2012 was the hearing of the case filed by Nmart for Petition No. 27101/2012,  But it was not pick by the court on said day due to the absense of Judge for particular Bench. and listing date given for 03-10-2012. On 03-10-2012 after hearing, it is again postponed to 08-10-2012. ... Hope...

Nmart Fever in Congress..." Sakshi Telugu News Paper

"Nmart Fever in Congress..." says Telugu Daily News Paper 'SAKSHI' More you can see it here...or in sakshi main paper, Page No. 12 on 7th October 2012 ...

Saturday, 6 October 2012

"Govt Guideliness to MLM" Rajasthan News Paper

Rajasthan Goverment has given Guidelines to MLM to set up thier business on their state... ...

Friday, 5 October 2012

Rajasthan Govt Guidlines on MLM Marketing/ Direct Selling

Direct Selling Guidelines by Rajasthan Govt: RAJASTHAN GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY                                                            ...

Monday, 1 October 2012

Kerala High Court Judgement to Nmart

With the Petition No. 25122/2011,The Honorable High Court of Kerala has given the Judgement to Nmart Retails. More Details you can watch it here.... ...

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Nmart Management ARRESTED

One of the directors of NMart Md. Saleem Khan, Chief Executive officer Akhil Patrawala, Head of Human Resources Hiren Devani, Business Head Pratik Desai. has arrested by Kandukur CI Akkeswara Rao on FRIDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2012. On 1st October they are going to attend the court. Prakasam Dist FIR is on almost ending stage, Everything will be cleared soon.....

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Kerala Government Order on Nmart Retails

Kerala Government given approved letter to Nmart Retails to do their Direct Business. ...

Thursday, 27 September 2012

AP High Court Case Status for Petition No. 24210/2010

24-09-2012 was the hearing of the case filed by Nmart for Petition No. 24210/2010,  But it was not pick by the court on said day, and listing date given for 25-09-2012. On 25-09-2012 after hearing, it is again postponed to 08-10-2012. ...

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

CMD Sir Message

Today Our CMD Sir Created a New Blog and Conveyed his message to all Nmart Family Members... More visit our cmd blog http://www.nmartfamilymembers.blogspot.in/    ...

Right Association on Face Book

Right Association Prasad Sir on Face Book!! ...

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

This Page is Under Construction.... ...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

What Ministry of Corporate Affair says on MLM/NetWork Marketing...?

As we are here to know What is Ministry of Corporate Affairs and What it stated on Networking/MLM...? Ministry of Corporate Affairs:  The Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) is an Indian Government ministry. It is charged with administering the Companies Act 1956 and other acts related to Indian private sector. It is responsible mainly for regulation. What...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Nmart Company Profile

NMart Retail : Company Profile   New Look Multitrade Pvt. Ltd. is a parent company which involves in the business of real estate, commodity trading, Retail stores. Company also runs a charity trust SUPPORT CHARITABLE TRUST at Wai, Pune. Company’s has its corporate office at Savera complex Udhna main road, spread in an area of 8500...

Andhra Jyothi Telugu News Paper on Logistics!!

ఆంధ్ర జ్యోతి తెలుగు దిన పత్రిక లో మన లాజిస్టిక్స్ గురుంచి !! మన Nమార్ట్ CMD గోపాల్ షెకావత్ గారు ఇంతకు మునుపు భక్తి TV, AAJ TAK, IBN7 చానల్స్ లో చెప్పినట్టు మన కంపనీ సిద్ది వినాయక లాజిస్టిక్స్ తో ఒప్పందం కుదుర్చుకొని వున్నట్టు మనకు చెప్పి ఉన్నారు. అందులో ఒక  భాగంగా  సిద్ది వినాయక లాజిస్టిక్స్ TATA మోటర్స్ కంపనీ కి 1314 ట్రక్కులు...

Nmart Buildings / Stores

Here we can see stores of Nmart ...

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Nmart Seond Innings: Currently Running Malls are 1.Surat (Gujarat), 2. Nirmal(A.P), 3. Bhopal (M.P), 4. Chikodi (Karnataka), 5. Calicut (Kerala), 6. Miraj (Maharashtra), 7. Howrah (W.B), 8. Lalitpur (U.P) 9.Soro (Odhisha) 10. Raipur (chattisgarh) and 11.Ponda (Goa) Pls follow our cmd blog www.gsnmart.blogspot.com Nmart Second Innings starts soon...